First Neonatal Screening Project In Colombia

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First Neonatal Screening Project In Colombia with LABSYSTEMS at the Hospital Universitario del Valle based on law 1980 OF 2019

In September 2021, Hospital Universitario del Valle became a pioneer of our LABSYSTEMS technology, for the neonatal screening of 6 markers included in the new neonatal screening law sanctioned by President Duque on July 26, 2019. The markers that the HUV will screen for the population of Valle del Cauca and in the future Cauca will be:



It is a great pride for Annar Health Technologies to contribute to the improvement of the quality of life of our children, making a reliable and timely diagnosis, which will result in a future with healthy adults who can contribute to society.

The technology implemented is highly robust and based on fluorometry, providing a high degree of sensitivity to the assays and very good specificity for samples on filter paper.


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